August 4, 2017 News
Hey guys! It's Kat, Bobby's other half and editor. Bobby's knee-deep in writing, with no time to write a newsletter, so I'm going to help him out and let you all know what's going on in the life of Bobby!
After a long week of final edits, we're pleased to announce that the next installment in Freedom's Fire has been released, and is available on Amazon and is also included in Amazon's Kindle Unlimited program!
That means I get a break from editing so I can chase squirrels. Speaking of, are you aware that there's something called "Squirrel Fishing?" People actually tie peanuts to string and try to "land" a squirrel, a skill that might come in handy if there ever were a zombie apocalypse. People actually do this at the University of Texas, which has plenty of squirrels to play with (no squirrels were harmed in the making of this video). Check it out on YouTube.
A wonderful time-waster if you're stuck at the office!
Freedom's Fire 3: Freedom's Fray is NOW AVAILABLE!
For those of you who are unfamiliar with Bobby's new Freedom's Fire series, it follows Dylan Kane, a regular guy who breaks free from his mundane job at a gravity plate factory under the rule of his ruthless North Korean and Gray masters to lead a group of rebels in search of the freedom once enjoyed by the inhabitants of earth.
Kinda, North Korea pairing up with some aliens to take over the world? Maybe Kim Jong Un has something up his sleeve we don't know about.
Anyway, it's Bobby's intelligent yet sarcastic take on sci-fi that is sure to entertain both existing and new fans of his books...the main characters will feel familiar, yet new, to fans of Zed and Murphy and the Slow Burn series. It might also qualify as post-apocalyptic since the story is set in the future after mankind has been taken over by an invading species after the leaders of earth were so busy fighting each other they totally missed the threat from above.
The Freedom's Fire series is available on Amazon and in the Kindle Unlimited program right now, and the print version of Freedom's Fray will be uploaded this weekend and should be available on or about August 8th, 2017.
So the good news is that Bobby's knee-deep in plotting for Freedom's Fire 4: Freedom's Fist, the next book in the installment (which is on SALE for $0.99 for a limited time on Amazon), and also plotting the NEW DUSTY'S DIARY.
Yep, you heard me right!
Dusty's Diary is COMING SOON!
Oh yeah...Dusty's Diary! A few years ago after Bobby finished writing the first in the Ebola K series, his brain was completely fried. It was the single hardest book he'd written...unlike Slow Burn, it required a great deal of research and dealt with some very serious issues. On the day it published, we were sitting at a beach house in Port Aransas, Texas, and he sat down to write—this time, for fun. A short read, Dusty's Diary: One Frustrated Man's Zombie Apocalypse Story, was the result.
Based on a frustrated guy stuck in a bunker in Houston, this first-person account of one man's adventures as he tries to document his post-apocalyptic world for future generations while trying to stay sane. I actually thought this irreverent book would be the end of Bobby's writing career, but it turned out to be a reader favorite, who could've known? So if you've got a hankering for a short zombie read, you'll love this one...and the upcoming sequel!
Apparently I nagged him enough that he's FINALLY writing it! Woot, woot!
Nerd Corner — Exploding Glass!
If you've been reading Freedom's Fire, you'll notice that there's a nerd element to the future. One of the characters, "Tarlow," is loosely based on one of the smartest guys we know, Paul Tarlow, of Helios Kiln Glass Studio in Austin, Texas, a true MacGyver and pioneer of the art glass community.
He turned us on to a cool YouTube channel, Smarter Every Day, in which a down-to-earth Alabama science guy named Destin Sandlin explores interesting engineering topics, including something Paul shared with us, the 400-year-old Prince Rupert's Drop, a phenomenon that is relevant today because it forms the basis for what we know about unbreakable glass.
This phenomenon is mentioned in Freedom's Fray, so if you want to see a super smart dude shooting glass tadpoles and shattering bullets, check out these Smarter Every Day videos!
Freedom's Fire on non-Amazon Platforms?
A few folks have asked about why they can't find Freedom's Fire on non-Amazon platforms, so I just wanted to give a little more info. The series is currently enrolled in Kindle Unlimited, the Amazon all-you-can-read program, which requires exclusivity to Amazon. Most devices, including iOS and Android devices, can download a version of the Kindle App, which is available here:
Anyway, we hope you enjoy the rest of your summer!